updated on : 2024-4-22
Moments in the History of Cell Biology Research, lectured by Liang Cai
Topic of 2014 Spring: Classic experiments · H2106A
- The influence of some cations on an adenosine triphosphatase from peripheral nerves.
Skou JC.
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1957 Feb;23(2):394-401 [PMID:13412736]
- Ribosome-membrane interaction. Nondestructive disassembly of rat liver rough microsomes into ribosomal and membranous components.
Adelman MR, Sabatini DD, Blobel G.
J Cell Biol, 1973 Jan;56(1):206-29 [PMID:4682341]
- A mammalian homolog of SEC61p and SECYp is associated with ribosomes and nascent polypeptides during translocation.
Gorlich D, Prehn S, Hartmann E, Kalies KU, Rapoport TA.
Cell, 1992 Oct 30;71(3):489-503 [PMID:1423609]
- Bidirectional transport by distinct populations of COPI-coated vesicles.
Orci L, Stamnes M, Ravazzola M, ..., Sollner TH, Rothman JE.
Cell, 1997 Jul 25;90(2):335-49 [PMID:9244307]
- Dynein: A Protein with Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity from Cilia.
Gibbons IR, Rowe AJ.
Science, 1965 Jul 23;149(3682):424-6 [PMID:17809406]
- Movement of myosin-coated fluorescent beads on actin cables in vitro.
Sheetz MP, Spudich JA.
Nature, 1983 May 5-11;303(5912):31-5 [PMID:6682486]
- Identification of a novel force-generating protein, kinesin, involved in microtubule-based motility.
Vale RD, Reese TS, Sheetz MP.
Cell, 1985 Aug;42(1):39-50 [PMID:3926325]
- Dynamic instability of microtubule growth.
Mitchison T, Kirschner M.
Nature, 1984 Nov 15-21;312(5991):237-42 [PMID:6504138]
- Actin polymerization is induced by Arp2/3 protein complex at the surface of Listeria monocytogenes.
Welch MD, Iwamatsu A, Mitchison TJ.
Nature, 1997 Jan 16;385(6613):265-9 [PMID:9000076]
- The interaction of Arp2/3 complex with actin: nucleation, high affinity pointed end capping, and formation of branching networks of filaments.
Mullins RD, Heuser JA, Pollard TD.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1998 May 26;95(11):6181-6 [PMID:9600938]
三、cell cycle
- Cyclin: a protein specified by maternal mRNA in sea urchin eggs that is destroyed at each cleavage division.
Evans T, Rosenthal ET, Youngblom J, Distel D, Hunt T.
Cell, 1983 Jun;33(2):389-96 [PMID:6134587]
- Cyclin synthesis drives the early embryonic cell cycle.
Murray AW, Kirschner MW.
Nature, 1989 May 25;339(6222):275-80 [PMID:2566917]
- The role of cyclin synthesis and degradation in the control of maturation promoting factor activity.
Murray AW, Solomon MJ, Kirschner MW.
Nature, 1989 May 25;339(6222):280-6 [PMID:2566918]
- Isolation of a human cyclin cDNA: evidence for cyclin mRNA and protein regulation in the cell cycle and for interaction with p34cdc2.
Pines J, Hunter T.
Cell, 1989 Sep 8;58(5):833-46 [PMID:2570636]
- Cloning yeast telomeres on linear plasmid vectors.
Szostak JW, Blackburn EH.
Cell, 1982 May;29(1):245-55 [PMID:6286143]
Topic of 2014 Fall: Cell differentiation · H5305
- Hartenstein V, 1991
- Gurdon JB, 1962
- Yamanaka S, 2006; Deng H, 2013
- Weinberg RA, 1983; Levine AJ, 1989
- Kemphues KJ, 1988
- Jan YN, 1994
- Zhang F, 2013; Church GM, 2013
Topic of 2015 Spring: Mitochondria · H2106B
- Coupling of phosphorylation to electron and hydrogen transfer by a chemi-osmotic type of mechanism.
Mitchell P.
Nature, 1961 Jul 8;191:144–8 [PMID:13771349]
- The dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1p, controls mitochondrial morphology in yeast.
Otsuga D, Keegan BR, Brisch E, …, Bleazard W, Shaw JM.
J Cell Biol, 1998 Oct 19;143(2):333–49 [PMID:9786946]
- Dynamin-related protein Drp1 is required for mitochondrial division in mammalian cells.
Smirnova E, Griparic L, Shurland DL, van der Bliek AM.
Mol Biol Cell, 2001 Aug;12(8):2245–56 [PMID:11514614]
- Spatial and temporal association of Bax with mitochondrial fission sites, Drp1, and Mfn2 during apoptosis.
Karbowski M, Lee YJ, Gaume B, …, Smith CL, Youle RJ.
J Cell Biol, 2002 Dec 23;159(6):931–8 [PMID:12499352]
- Disruption of fusion results in mitochondrial heterogeneity and dysfunction.
Chen H, Chomyn A, Chan DC.
J Biol Chem, 2005 Jul 15;280(28):26185–92 [PMID:15899901]
- Manipulating the metazoan mitochondrial genome with targeted restriction enzymes.
Xu H, DeLuca SZ, O’Farrell PH.
Science, 2008 Jul 25;321(5888):575–7 [PMID:18653897]
- Mitofusin 2 tethers endoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria.
de Brito OM, Scorrano L.
Nature, 2008 Dec 4;456(7222):605–10 [PMID:19052620]
- An ER-mitochondria tethering complex revealed by a synthetic biology screen.
Kornmann B, Currie E, Collins SR, …, Weissman JS, Walter P.
Science, 2009 Jul 24;325(5939):477–81 [PMID:19556461]
- Mitofusins and OPA1 mediate sequential steps in mitochondrial membrane fusion.
Song Z, Ghochani M, McCaffery JM, Frey TG, Chan DC.
Mol Biol Cell, 2009 Aug;20(15):3525–32 [PMID:19477917]
- Mff is an essential factor for mitochondrial recruitment of Drp1 during mitochondrial fission in mammalian cells.
Otera H, Wang C, Cleland MM, …, Youle RJ, Mihara K.
J Cell Biol, 2010 Dec 13;191(6):1141–58 [PMID:21149567]
- ER tubules mark sites of mitochondrial division.
Friedman JR, Lackner LL, West M, …, Nunnari J, Voeltz GK.
Science, 2011 Oct 21;334(6054):358–62 [PMID:21885730]
- Mitochondrial nucleoid interacting proteins support mitochondrial protein synthesis.
He J, Cooper HM, Reyes A, …, Walker JE, Holt IJ.
Nucleic Acids Res, 2012 Jul;40(13):6109–21 [PMID:22453275]
- Sphingolipid metabolism cooperates with BAK and BAX to promote the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis.
Chipuk JE, McStay GP, Bharti A, …, Obeid LM, Green DR.
Cell, 2012 Mar 2;148(5):988–1000 [PMID:22385963]
- An actin-dependent step in mitochondrial fission mediated by the ER-associated formin INF2.
Korobova F, Ramabhadran V, Higgs HN.
Science, 2013 Jan 25;339(6118):464–7 [PMID:23349293]
Topic of 2015 Fall: Immune cells · H2102A
The pattern recognition theory
- Approaching the asymptote? Evolution and revolution in immunology.
Janeway CA Jr.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1989;54 Pt 1:1–13. [PMID:2700931]
The missing-self hypothesis
- Selective rejection of H–2-deficient lymphoma variants suggests alternative immune defence strategy.
Kärre K, Ljunggren HG, Piontek G, Kiessling R.
Nature, 1986 Feb 20–26;319(6055):675–8 [PMID:3951539]
- Rejection of class I MHC-deficient haemopoietic cells by irradiated MHC-matched mice.
Bix M, Liao NS, Zijlstra M, Loring J, Jaenisch R, Raulet D.
Nature. 1991 Jan 24;349(6307):329–31. [PMID:1987491]
- MHC class I alloantigen specificity of Ly–49+ IL–2-activated natural killer cells.
Karlhofer FM, Ribaudo RK, Yokoyama WM.
Nature. 1992 Jul 2;358(6381):66–70. [PMID:1614533]
- Rae1 and H60 ligands of the NKG2D receptor stimulate tumour immunity.
Diefenbach A, Jensen ER, Jamieson AM, Raulet DH.
Nature. 2001 Sep 13;413(6852):165–71. [PMID:11557981]
The CAR-T cells against leukemia
- Specific activation and targeting of cytotoxic lymphocytes through chimeric single chains consisting of antibody-binding domains and the gamma or zeta subunits of the immunoglobulin and T-cell receptors.
Eshhar Z, Waks T, Gross G, Schindler DG.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Jan 15;90(2):720–4. [PMID:8421711]
- Antigen-dependent CD28 signaling selectively enhances survival and proliferation in genetically modified activated human primary T lymphocytes.
Krause A, Guo HF, Latouche JB, Tan C, Cheung NK, Sadelain M.
J Exp Med. 1998 Aug 17;188(4):619–26. [PMID:9705944]
- Chimeric antigen receptor T cells for sustained remissions in leukemia.
Maude SL, Frey N, Shaw PA, Aplenc R, Barrett DM, Bunin NJ, Chew A, Gonzalez VE, Zheng Z, Lacey SF, Mahnke YD, Melenhorst JJ, Rheingold SR, Shen A, Teachey DT, Levine BL, June CH, Porter DL, Grupp SA.
N Engl J Med. 2014 Oct 16;371(16):1507–17. [PMID:25317870]
2016 Spring: Cell Biology in-class Discussion
- 第1周课堂讲授学科简史,ACB的第一次课,介绍如何进行文献阅读,以DNA半保留复制的研究为例。
- 第2周课堂讲授研究方法,ACB围绕 The discovery of reverse transcriptase 这个主题,精读1970年两个小组各自发现反转录酶的工作。
- 第3周课堂讲授细胞膜与表面,ACB围绕 Separating organells 这个主题,精读1964年 De Duve C 等人采用密度梯度离心分离细胞器的工作。
- 第4周课堂讲授细胞质与核糖体,ACB围绕 Ribosome-membrane interaction 这个主题,精读1973年 Blobel G 等人采用体外重建实验研究核糖体的工作。
- 第5周课堂讲授细胞内膜系统I,ACB围绕 Following a protein out of the cell 这个主题,精读1966年 Palade G 等人采用电镜研究高尔基体功能的工作。
- 第6周课堂讲授细胞内膜系统II,ACB围绕 Shaping the tubular endoplasmic reticulum 这个主题,精读2006年 Rapoport T 等人发现管状内质网形成机制的工作。
- 第7周课堂讲授细胞骨架,ACB围绕 A branched actin network in the leading edge 这个主题,精读1999年 Borisy G 等人证明细胞内存在分叉的微丝的工作。
- 第8周课堂讲授能量代谢,ACB围绕 Unraveling the citric acid cycle 这个主题,精读十九世纪三十年代 Krebs 等人采用丙二酸研究三羧酸循环的工作。
- 第9周课堂讲授细胞核与染色体,ACB围绕 Chromosome architechture 这个主题,精读2002年 Dekker J 等人利用二代测序技术解析细胞核内染色体排布的工作。
- 第10周课堂讲授细胞分化与基因表达调控,ACB围绕 Using lethal mutation to study development 这个主题,精读1980年 Wieschaus E 等人研究控制果蝇幼虫分节的工作。
- 第11周课堂讲授细胞分裂与细胞周期I,ACB围绕 Cell biology emergies from the sea 这个主题,精读1983年 Hunt T 等人发现细胞周期依赖蛋白的工作。
- 第12周课堂讲授细胞分裂与细胞周期II,ACB围绕 The means to the end 这个主题,精读1982年 Blackburn E 等人发现端粒酶作用机制的工作。
- 第13周课堂讲授细胞通讯,ACB围绕 Sending a signal through a gas 这个主题,精读1987年英美两个小组各自发现一氧化氮作为第二信使的工作。
- 第14周课堂讲授细胞衰老与凋亡,ACB围绕 Hunting down gene involved in cell death 这个主题,精读1986年 Horvitz R 等人利用线虫研究细胞程序性死亡的工作。
- 第15周课堂讲授免疫系统的细胞,ACB围绕 Two genes become one - somatic rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes 这个主题,精读1976年 Tonegawa S 等人阐明抗体多样性来源的工作。
- 第16周的上课时间,进行期末考试,开卷,题型为主观题10题。
Topic of 2016 Spring: T cell receptor · H2103
- The delta- and epsilon-chains of the human T3/T-cell receptor complex are distinct polypeptides.
Borst J, Coligan JE, Oettgen H, …, Malin R, Terhorst C.
Nature, 1984 Nov 29-Dec 5;312(5993):455–8 [PMID:6239105]
- The T cell receptor/CD3 complex is composed of at least two autonomous transduction modules.
Wegener AM, Letourneur F, Hoeveler A, …, Luton F, Malissen B.
Cell, 1992 Jan 10;68(1):83–95 [PMID:1531041]
- Antigen activation of murine T cells induces tyrosine phosphorylation of a polypeptide associated with the T cell antigen receptor.
Samelson LE, Patel MD, Weissman AM, Harford JB, Klausner RD.
Cell, 1986 Sep 26;46(7):1083–90 [PMID:2428504]
- The cytoplasmic domain of the T cell receptor zeta chain is sufficient to couple to receptor-associated signal transduction pathways.
Irving BA, Weiss A.
Cell, 1991 Mar 8;64(5):891–901 [PMID:1705867]
- ZAP–70: a 70 kd protein-tyrosine kinase that associates with the TCR zeta chain.
Chan AC, Iwashima M, Turck CW, Weiss A.
Cell, 1992 Nov 13;71(4):649–62 [PMID:1423621]
- LAT: the ZAP–70 tyrosine kinase substrate that links T cell receptor to cellular activation.
Zhang W, Sloan-Lancaster J, Kitchen J, Trible RP, Samelson LE.
Cell, 1998 Jan 9;92(1):83–92 [PMID:9489702]
- Recruitment of Nck by CD3 epsilon reveals a ligand-induced conformational change essential for T cell receptor signaling and synapse formation.
Gil D, Schamel WW, Montoya M, Sánchez-Madrid F, Alarcón B.
Cell, 2002 Jun 28;109(7):901–12 [PMID:12110186]
- Newly generated T cell receptor microclusters initiate and sustain T cell activation by recruitment of Zap70 and SLP–76.
Yokosuka T, Sakata-Sogawa K, Kobayashi W, …, Dustin ML, Saito T.
Nat Immunol, 2005 Dec;6(12):1253–62 [PMID:16273097]
- Biophysical mechanism of T-cell receptor triggering in a reconstituted system.
James JR, Vale RD.
Nature, 2012 Jul 5;487(7405):64–9 [PMID:22763440]
Topic of 2016 Fall: T cell receptor · H2103
Basic knowledge about TCR
- Three-dimensional segregation of supramolecular activation clusters in T cells.
Monks CR, Freiberg BA, Kupfer H, Sciaky N, Kupfer A.
Nature. 1998 Sep 3; 395(6697):82–6. [PMID:9738502]
- The immunological synapse: a molecular machine controlling T cell activation.
Grakoui A, Bromley SK, Sumen C, Davis MM, Shaw AS, Allen PM, Dustin ML.
Science. 1999 Jul 9; 285(5425):221–7. [PMID:10398592]
- The initiation of antigen-induced B cell antigen receptor signaling viewed in living cells by fluorescence resonance energy transfer.
Tolar P, Sohn HW, Pierce SK.
Nat Immunol. 2005 Nov; 6(11):1168–76. [PMID:16200067]
- Accumulation of dynamic catch bonds between TCR and agonist peptide-MHC triggers T cell signaling.
Liu B, Chen W, Evavold BD, Zhu C.
Cell. 2014 Apr 10; 157(2):357–68. [PMID:24725404]
Co-stimulatory molecules of TCR
- T-cell proliferation involving the CD28 pathway is associated with cyclosporine-resistant interleukin 2 gene expression.
June CH, Ledbetter JA, Gillespie MM, Lindsten T, Thompson CB.
Mol Cell Biol. 1987 Dec; 7(12):4472–81. [PMID:2830495]
- The CD28 signaling pathway regulates glucose metabolism.
Frauwirth KA, Riley JL, Harris MH, …, June CH, Thompson CB.
Immunity, 2002 Jun;16(6):769–77 [PMID:12121659]
Co-inhibitory molecules of TCR
- B7-H1, a third member of the B7 family, co-stimulates T-cell proliferation and interleukin–10 secretion.
Dong H, Zhu G, Tamada K, Chen L.
Nat Med. 1999 Dec; 5(12):1365–9. [PMID:10581077]
- Engagement of the PD–1 immunoinhibitory receptor by a novel B7 family member leads to negative regulation of lymphocyte activation.
Freeman GJ, Long AJ, Iwai Y, …, Wood CR, Honjo T.
J Exp Med. 2000 Oct 2; 192(7):1027–34. [PMID:11015443]
Topic of 2017 Spring: Phase Transition · H2217
- Germline P granules are liquid droplets that localize by controlled dissolution/condensation.
Brangwynne CP, Eckmann CR, Courson DS, ..., Jülicher F, Hyman AA.
Science, 2009 Jun 26;324(5935):1729-32 [PMID:19460965]
- A nuclear F-actin scaffold stabilizes ribonucleoprotein droplets against gravity in large cells.
Feric M, Brangwynne CP.
Nat Cell Biol, 2013 Oct;15(10):1253-9 [PMID:23995731]
- Coexisting Liquid Phases Underlie Nucleolar Subcompartments.
Feric M, Vaidya N, Harmon TS, ..., Pappu RV, Brangwynne CP.
Cell, 2016 Jun 16;165(7):1686-97 [PMID:27212236]
- Phase transitions in the assembly of multivalent signalling proteins.
Li P, Banjade S, Cheng HC, ..., Nixon BT, Rosen MK.
Nature, 2012 Mar 7;483(7389):336-40 [PMID:22398450]
- A Liquid-to-Solid Phase Transition of the ALS Protein FUS Accelerated by Disease Mutation.
Patel A, Lee HO, Jawerth L, ..., Hyman AA, Alberti S.
Cell, 2015 Aug 27;162(5):1066-77 [PMID:26317470]
- Phase transition of spindle-associated protein regulate spindle apparatus assembly.
Jiang H, Wang S, Huang Y, ..., Zhu X, Zheng Y.
Cell, 2015 Sep 24;163(1):108-22 [PMID:26388440]
- Phase separation of signaling molecules promotes T cell receptor signal transduction.
Su X, Ditlev JA, Hui E, ..., Rosen MK, Vale RD.
Science, 2016 Apr 29;352(6285):595-9 [PMID:27056844]
- Amyloid-like Self-Assembly of a Cellular Compartment.
Boke E, Ruer M, Wühr M, ..., Hyman AA, Mitchison TJ.
Cell, 2016 Jul 28;166(3):637-50 [PMID:27471966]
- Phase Transition in Postsynaptic Densities Underlies Formation of Synaptic Complexes and Synaptic Plasticity.
Zeng M, Shang Y, Araki Y, ..., Huganir RL, Zhang M.
Cell, 2016 Aug 25;166(5):1163-1175.e12 [PMID:27565345]
- Spatiotemporal Control of Intracellular Phase Transitions Using Light-Activated optoDroplets.
Shin Y, Berry J, Pannucci N, ..., Toettcher JE, Brangwynne CP.
Cell, 2017 Jan 12;168(1-2):159-171.e14 [PMID:28041848]
Topic of 2017 Fall: PD1 · H3404
- Safety, activity, and immune correlates of anti-PD–1 antibody in cancer.
Topalian SL, Hodi FS, Brahmer JR, …, Wigginton JM, Sznol M.
N Engl J Med, 2012 Jun 28;366(26):2443–54 [PMID:22658127]
- B7-H1, a third member of the B7 family, co-stimulates T-cell proliferation and interleukin–10 secretion.
Dong H, Zhu G, Tamada K, Chen L.
Nat Med, 1999 Dec; 5(12):1365–9. [PMID:10581077]
- Engagement of the PD–1 immunoinhibitory receptor by a novel B7 family member leads to negative regulation of lymphocyte activation.
Freeman GJ, Long AJ, Iwai Y, …, Wood CR, Honjo T.
J Exp Med, 2000 Oct 2; 192(7):1027–34. [PMID:11015443]
- SHP–1 and SHP–2 associate with immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch motif of programmed death 1 upon primary human T cell stimulation, but only receptor ligation prevents T cell activation.
Chemnitz JM, Parry RV, Nichols KE, June CH, Riley JL.
J Immunol, 2004 Jul 15;173(2):945–54 [PMID:15240681]
- PD–1 inhibits T-cell receptor induced phosphorylation of the ZAP70/CD3zeta signalosome and downstream signaling to PKCtheta.
Sheppard KA, Fitz LJ, Lee JM, …, Wood CR, Chaudhary D.
FEBS Lett, 2004 Sep 10;574(1–3):37–41 [PMID:15358536]
- CTLA–4 and PD–1 receptors inhibit T-cell activation by distinct mechanisms.
Parry RV, Chemnitz JM, Frauwirth KA, …, Thompson CB, Riley JL.
Mol Cell Biol, 2005 Nov;25(21):9543–53 [PMID:16227604]
- Programmed death–1 ligand 1 interacts specifically with the B7–1 costimulatory molecule to inhibit T cell responses.
Butte MJ, Keir ME, Phamduy TB, Sharpe AH, Freeman GJ.
Immunity, 2007 Jul;27(1):111–22 [PMID:17629517]
- Programmed cell death 1 forms negative costimulatory microclusters that directly inhibit T cell receptor signaling by recruiting phosphatase SHP2.
Yokosuka T, Takamatsu M, Kobayashi-Imanishi W, …, Azuma M, Saito T.
J Exp Med, 2012 Jun 4;209(6):1201–17 [PMID:22641383]
- Rescue of exhausted CD8 T cells by PD–1-targeted therapies is CD28-dependent.
Kamphorst AO, Wieland A, Nasti T, …, Araki K, Ahmed R.
Science, 2017 Mar 31;355(6332):1423–1427 [PMID:28280249]
- T cell costimulatory receptor CD28 is a primary target for PD–1-mediated inhibition.
Hui E, Cheung J, Zhu J, …, Mellman I, Vale RD.
Science, 2017 Mar 31;355(6332):1428–1433 [PMID:28280247]
Topic of 2018 Spring: N for Notch · H2110
The suppressor of hairless protein participates in notch receptor signaling.
Fortini ME, Artavanis-Tsakonas S.
Cell, 1994 Oct 21;79(2):273-82 [PMID:7954795]
The Notch1 receptor is cleaved constitutively by a furin-like convertase.
Logeat F, Bessia C, Brou C, ..., Seidah NG, Israël A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1998 Jul 7;95(14):8108-12 [PMID:9653148]
Notch-1 signalling requires ligand-induced proteolytic release of intracellular domain.
Schroeter EH, Kisslinger JA, Kopan R.
Nature, 1998 May 28;393(6683):382-6 [PMID:9620803]
A ligand-induced extracellular cleavage regulates gamma-secretase-like proteolytic activation of Notch1.
Mumm JS, Schroeter EH, Saxena MT, ..., Ray WJ, Kopan R.
Mol Cell, 2000 Feb;5(2):197-206 [PMID:10882062]
Xenopus neuralized is a ubiquitin ligase that interacts with XDelta1 and regulates Notch signaling.
Deblandre GA, Lai EC, Kintner C.
Dev Cell, 2001 Dec;1(6):795-806 [PMID:11740941]
Unequal segregation of Neuralized biases Notch activation during asymmetric cell division.
Le Borgne R, Schweisguth F.
Dev Cell, 2003 Jul;5(1):139-48 [PMID:12852858]
Metalloprotease ADAM10 is required for Notch1 site 2 cleavage.
van Tetering G, van Diest P, Verlaan I, ..., Kopan R, Vooijs M.
J Biol Chem, 2009 Nov 6;284(45):31018-27 [PMID:19726682]
The genetic design of signaling cascades to record receptor activation.
Barnea G, Strapps W, Herrada G, ..., Axel R, Lee KJ.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2008 Jan 8;105(1):64-9 [PMID:18165312]
Engineering Customized Cell Sensing and Response Behaviors Using Synthetic Notch Receptors.
Morsut L, Roybal KT, Xiong X, ..., Thomson M, Lim WA.
Cell, 2016 Feb 11;164(4):780-91 [PMID:26830878]
Engineering T Cells with Customized Therapeutic Response Programs Using Synthetic Notch Receptors.
Roybal KT, Williams JZ, Morsut L, ..., McNally KA, Lim WA.
Cell, 2016 Oct 6;167(2):419-432.e16 [PMID:27693353]
Topic of 2018 Fall: Phase Separation · H5112
- Germline P granules are liquid droplets that localize by controlled dissolution/condensation.
Brangwynne CP, Eckmann CR, Courson DS, ..., Jülicher F, Hyman AA.
Science, 2009 Jun 26;324(5935):1729-32 [PMID:19460965]
- Phase transitions in the assembly of multivalent signalling proteins.
Li P, Banjade S, Cheng HC, ..., Nixon BT, Rosen MK.
Nature, 2012 Mar 7;483(7389):336-40 [PMID:22398450]
- Amyloid-like Self-Assembly of a Cellular Compartment.
Boke E, Ruer M, Wühr M, ..., Hyman AA, Mitchison TJ.
Cell, 2016 Jul 28;166(3):637-650 [PMID:27471966]
- Tdrd6a Regulates the Aggregation of Buc into Functional Subcellular Compartments that Drive Germ Cell Specification.
Roovers EF, Kaaij LJT, Redl S, ..., van Oudenaarden A, Ketting RF.
Dev Cell, 2018 Aug 6;46(3):285-301.e9 [PMID:30086300]
- Phase Transition in Postsynaptic Densities Underlies Formation of Synaptic Complexes and Synaptic Plasticity.
Zeng M, Shang Y, Araki Y, ..., Huganir RL, Zhang M.
Cell, 2016 Aug 25;166(5):1163-1175.e12 [PMID:27565345]
- Reconstituted Postsynaptic Density as a Molecular Platform for Understanding Synapse Formation and Plasticity.
Zeng M, Chen X, Guan D, ..., Tong P, Zhang M.
Cell, 2018 Aug 23;174(5):1172-1187.e16 [PMID:30078712]
- Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase separation and gene control.
Sabari BR, Dall'Agnese A, Boija A, ..., Chakraborty AK, Young RA.
Science, 2018 Jul 27;361(6400) [PMID:29930091]
- Imaging dynamic and selective low-complexity domain interactions that control gene transcription.
Chong S, Dugast-Darzacq C, Liu Z, ..., Darzacq X, Tjian R.
Science, 2018 Jul 27;361(6400) [PMID:29930090]
- Kinase-controlled phase transition of membraneless organelles in mitosis.
Rai AK, Chen JX, Selbach M, Pelkmans L.
Nature, 2018 Jul;559(7713):211-216 [PMID:29973724]
- A liquid phase of synapsin and lipid vesicles.
Milovanovic D, Wu Y, Bian X, De Camilli P.
Science, 2018 Aug 10;361(6402):604-607 [PMID:29976799]
Topic of 2019 Spring: classic cellbio · H5109
Studies on the reduction and re-formation of protein disulfide bonds.
Anfinsen CB, Haber E.
J Biol Chem, 1961 May;236:1361-3 [PMID: 13683523]
The integrated state of viral DNA in SV40-transformed cells.
Sambrook J, Westphal H, Srinivasan PR, Dulbecco R.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1968 Aug;60(4):1288-95 [PMID: 4299943]
A restriction enzyme from Hemophilus influenzae. II.
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Topic of 2019 Fall: nucleus · H5110
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Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors.
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Generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells without viral vectors.
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Uncovering early response of gene regulatory networks in ESCs by systematic induction of transcription factors.
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N-terminal phosphorylation of HP1{alpha} promotes its chromatin binding.
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Double-strand breaks in heterochromatin move outside of a dynamic HP1a domain to complete recombinational repair.
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Phase separation drives heterochromatin domain formation.
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Comprehensive mapping of long-range interactions reveals folding principles of the human genome.
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Topic of 2020 Spring: PROTAC · H5109
Waste disposal-An attractive strategy for cancer therapy.
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Drug-induced ubiquitylation and degradation of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases: implications for cancer therapy.
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Chemical genetic control of protein levels: selective in vivo targeted degradation.
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In vivo activation of the p53 pathway by small-molecule antagonists of MDM2.
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Small molecules destabilize cIAP1 by activating auto-ubiquitylation.
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A small molecule inhibitor of ubiquitin-specific protease-7 induces apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells and overcomes bortezomib resistance.
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Inhibitor mediated protein degradation.
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Catalytic in vivo protein knockdown by small-molecule PROTACs.
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A Deep Learning Approach to Antibiotic Discovery.
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Cell, 2020 Feb;180(4):688-702.e13 PMID: 32084340; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.021
Topic of 2020 Fall: coronavirus · H6205
- COVID-19 and emerging viral infections: The case for interferon lambda.
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- Estimating the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Europe.
Flaxman S, Mishra S, Gandy A, Unwin HJT, Mellan TA, Coupland H, Whittaker C, Zhu H, Berah T, Eaton JW, Monod M, Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team; Ghani AC, Donnelly CA, Riley S, Vollmer MAC, Ferguson NM, Okell LC, Bhatt S.
Nature, 2020 Aug;584(7820):257-261. Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team
- Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19.
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- Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019.
Wölfel R, Corman VM, Guggemos W, Seilmaier M, Zange S, Müller MA, Niemeyer D, Jones TC, Vollmar P, Rothe C, Hoelscher M, Bleicker T, Brünink S, Schneider J, Ehmann R, Zwirglmaier K, Drosten C, Wendtner C.
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- Alterations in Smell or Taste in Mildly Symptomatic Outpatients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Spinato G, Fabbris C, Polesel J, Cazzador D, Borsetto D, Hopkins C, Boscolo-Rizzo P.
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- Susceptibility of ferrets, cats, dogs, and other domesticated animals to SARS-coronavirus 2.
Shi J, Wen Z, Zhong G, Yang H, Wang C, Huang B, Liu R, He X, Shuai L, Sun Z, Zhao Y, Liu P, Liang L, Cui P, Wang J, Zhang X, Guan Y, Tan W, Wu G, Chen H, Bu Z.
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- Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 - Preliminary Report.
Beigel JH, Tomashek KM, Dodd LE, Mehta AK, Zingman BS, Kalil AC, Hohmann E, Chu HY, Luetkemeyer A, Kline S, Castilla DLd, Finberg RW, Dierberg K, Tapson V, Hsieh L, Patterson TF, Paredes R, Sweeney DA, Short WR, Touloumi G, Lye DC, Ohmagari N, Oh M, Ruiz-Palacios GM, Benfield T, Fätkenheuer G, Kortepeter MG, Atmar RL, Creech CB, Lundgren J, Babiker AG, Pett S, Neaton JD, Burgess TH, Bonnett T, Green M, Makowski M, Osinusi A, Nayak S, Lane HC, Members AG.
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- The Covid-19 Vaccine-Development Multiverse.
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- SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine design enabled by prototype pathogen preparedness.
Corbett KS, Edwards DK, Leist SR, Abiona OM, Boyoglu-Barnum S, Gillespie RA, Himansu S, Schäfer A, Ziwawo CT, DiPiazza AT, Dinnon KH, Elbashir SM, Shaw CA, Woods A, Fritch EJ, Martinez DR, Bock KW, Minai M, Nagata BM, Hutchinson GB, Wu K, Henry C, Bahi K, Garcia-Dominguez D, Ma L, Renzi I, Kong W, Schmidt SD, Wang L, Zhang Y, Phung E, Chang LA, Loomis RJ, Altaras NE, Narayanan E, Metkar M, Presnyak V, Liu C, Louder MK, Shi W, Leung K, Yang ES, West A, Gully KL, Stevens LJ, Wang N, Wrapp D, Doria-Rose NA, Stewart-Jones G, Bennett H, Alvarado GS, Nason MC, Ruckwardt TJ, McLellan JS, Denison MR, Chappell JD, Moore IN, Morabito KM, Mascola JR, Baric RS, Carfi A, Graham BS.
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- Targets of T Cell Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus in Humans with COVID-19 Disease and Unexposed Individuals.
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Cell, 2020 Jun 25;181(7):1489-1501.e15. PMID:32473127
Topic of 2021 Spring: #XBio · H5114
Topic of 2021 Fall: Walter P · H6102
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Transcriptional induction of genes encoding endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins requires a transmembrane protein kinase.
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The transmembrane kinase Ire1p is a site-specific endonuclease that initiates mRNA splicing in the unfolded protein response.
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Protein translation and folding are coupled by an endoplasmic-reticulum-resident kinase.
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Regulated translation initiation controls stress-induced gene expression in mammalian cells.
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Pharmacological brake-release of mRNA translation enhances cognitive memory.
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Small molecule cognitive enhancer reverses age-related memory decline in mice.
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Topic of 2022 Spring: Mullins RD · H2112B
The interaction of Arp2/3 complex with actin: nucleation, high affinity pointed end capping, and formation of branching networks of filaments.
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Reconstitution of DNA segregation driven by assembly of a prokaryotic actin homolog.
Garner EC, Campbell CS, Weibel DB, Mullins RD.
Science. 2007 Mar 2;315(5816):1270-4. doi: 10.1126/science.1138527. PMID: 17332412
In vivo visualization of type II plasmid segregation: bacterial actin filaments pushing plasmids.
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J Cell Biol. 2007 Dec 3;179(5):1059-66. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200708206. Epub 2007 Nov 26. PMID: 18039937
Spatial and temporal relationships between actin-filament nucleation, capping, and disassembly.
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Capping protein increases the rate of actin-based motility by promoting filament nucleation by the Arp2/3 complex.
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Force Feedback Controls Motor Activity and Mechanical Properties of Self-Assembling Branched Actin Networks.
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Lamellipodin promotes actin assembly by clustering Ena/VASP proteins and tethering them to actin filaments.
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Initiation and disassembly of filopodia tip complexes containing VASP and lamellipodin.
Cheng KW, Mullins RD.
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Topic of 2022 Fall: Burridge K · H2105A
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Topic of 2023 Spring: Brenner S · H6402
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Topic of 2023 Fall: Lippincott-Schwartz J · HGX504
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Weigel AV, Chang C, Shtengel G, Xu CS, Hoffman DP, Freeman M, Iyer N, Aaron J, Khuon S, Bogovic J, Qiu W, Hess HF, Lippincott-Schwartz J.
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Topic of 2024 Spring: Drubin DG · H5217
- Tau protein function in living cells.
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- A pathway for association of receptors, adaptors, and actin during endocytic internalization.
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- A modular design for the clathrin- and actin-mediated endocytosis machinery.
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- Rapid and efficient clathrin-mediated endocytosis revealed in genome-edited mammalian cells.
Doyon JB, Zeitler B, Cheng J, Cheng AT, Cherone JM, Santiago Y, Lee AH, Vo TD, Doyon Y, Miller JC, Paschon DE, Zhang L, Rebar EJ, Gregory PD, Urnov FD, Drubin DG.
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- Actin and dynamin2 dynamics and interplay during clathrin-mediated endocytosis.
Grassart A, Cheng AT, Hong SH, Zhang F, Zenzer N, Feng Y, Briner DM, Davis GD, Malkov D, Drubin DG.
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- Genome-edited human stem cells expressing fluorescently labeled endocytic markers allow quantitative analysis of clathrin-mediated endocytosis during differentiation.
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- Spatial regulation of clathrin-mediated endocytosis through position-dependent site maturation.
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- Self-organizing actin networks drive sequential endocytic protein recruitment and vesicle release on synthetic lipid bilayers.
Stoops EH, Ferrin MA, Jorgens DM, Drubin DG.
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Topic of 2024 Fall: Rong Li · H2105A
- Feedback control of mitosis in budding yeast.
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- Actin depolymerization drives actomyosin ring contraction during budding yeast cytokinesis.
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- Non-uniform membrane diffusion enables steady-state cell polarization via vesicular trafficking.
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- Organelle-based aggregation and retention of damaged proteins in asymmetrically dividing cells.
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Topic of 2025 Spring: Hahn KM · HGX210
Localized Rac activation dynamics visualized in living cells.
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Activation of endogenous Cdc42 visualized in living cells.
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Spatiotemporal dynamics of RhoA activity in migrating cells.
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Coordination of Rho GTPase activities during cell protrusion.
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