Micro-Manager Metadata Viewer

This post title is very self-explained.

You can check it out from my gist mm-json.html.

mm metadata viewer

cooking the rabbit

In this hot summer, the rabbit is being cooked in the lab. The Andor engineer just left, and here is what we have.

image on actin.cn

Waiting for the Olympus engineer to tune the ZDC2 and laser TIRF. Stay calm!

By the way, below is what it was in my office couple days ago, just too many boxes...

image on actin.cn

And, the major components of ...

lab moved

Due to some unforeseen reasons, we have to move to another space at the end of Feb. Here are several photos

image on actin.cn

the lab has many things in it now

Now waiting for the cells, and the people back from the summer vacation...

image on actin.cn

the empty temporarily lab space

This space is being used until the new building in Jiangwan is ready.

The following photos were taken a month ago, and posted here on 6-7-2012.

image on actin.cn