Just another year
Posted by LC | Filed under lab
Many things happened, but not written down.
Please feel free to ask me when you see me.
we moved, again?
Posted by LC | Filed under lab
Long over due...
- Packing last for a day (9AM to 11PM)
- Relocation last for a day (8:30AM to 11:30PM), by a five-ton truck and 6 strong men
... come and visit us~~ xoxo
cooking the rabbit
Posted by LC | Filed under image, lab
In this hot summer, the rabbit is being cooked in the lab. The Andor engineer just left, and here is what we have.
Waiting for the Olympus engineer to tune the ZDC2 and laser TIRF. Stay calm!
By the way, below is what it was in my office couple days ago, just too many boxes...
And, the major components of ...
print a slide holder using a 3D printer
Posted by LC | Filed under lab
This project is inspired by Kurt's note.
I bought an open-source 3D printer and print a slide holder to fulfill current microscopy needs
Below was what I did:
(1) use openscad 2013.1 to generate the model (.stl file)
(2) use ReplicatorG 0040, to convert .stl into .gcode; change the plate heating temperature to 115 degree (M109 S115)
(3 ...
lab moved
Posted by LC | Filed under image, lab
Due to some unforeseen reasons, we have to move to another space at the end of Feb. Here are several photos